The Final Round. AFM R7

so, i’ve just barely started going through the pics from this weekend… there’s a lot. i wanted to do things differently, so i tried a buncha different stuff than normal.. i’m so sick of all the same shots over and over and over…

hulk-smash laptimes! rawr!

rory’s first race weekend! congrats broham!

is it t6 or t1? who knows! ;)

eye see ewe!

the little bobber tail on here is sick!

spectatorship seemed a lil low.

you lookin at me?

this is a really hard shot

greggers puttin down some fast laps.

i love the stars paint/leathers

sex is right!


dude jumped right in my way as i was about to get some girl-on-girl akshun! damnit!

66? or 31? identity crisis!!

joy (in the background) is so damned badass! lookit the ANGER in her body positioning. w000t!

i thought tim was a GONER right here. it’s rare that my heart jumps when i see someone about to crash or even [I]crashing [/I]anymore… but man, when he came over t8 at ~130mph—or however fast the fast guys come over t8—LOCK TO LOCK TO LOCK TO LOCK…whew! my heart skipped 4 beats and then danced around in my chest for the next 4 minutes after that. it looked pretty scary! he’s got skills though… saved it. :)

chris gettin jukie on the willeez!

stacy, hard on the gas, sexay as ever

roger hayden?

billy, being his usual badass self

jason hoists one for the ladies…uh…or for me… *giggle*

rory, preppin for his first clubman race… trying to intimidate the cameraman, when really, he should be pointing at all his fellow novice racers.

bess of PTT…and keigwins? ;)

not sure who this is….but am i wrong because i’d [I]like[/I] to get to know her? *tee-hee*

saturday’s middle weight clubman grids up

spectatorship climbs, eager to watch some racing!

unfortunately, the flag went green and edwin geraldo took the holeshot, and was the first to enter turn 2. he lowsided in the middle of the track and jerry christopher had no place to go and collided with edwin.

max was in turn 2 and got the sequence of the crash, but it’s very, very bad, and i’m not going to post those pictures. edwin suffered 2 broken femurs and a broken pelvis. jerry was also knocked unconsious, and i do not know the extent of his injuries. i wish them both the very best, and i hope they recover as quickly as possible. they’re both super rad guys to know and it really saddens me to see them hurt.

there was about 30 minutes of downtime while they were attended to.

alas, though down 2 riders, the show must go on. the green flag drops again, and everyone makes it through the first laps without incident.

until i believe lap three… i believe 2 more riders colided in t7, injuring at least one of them. :( the day was ended with the clubman races, formula afemme, and f40 rescheduled for sunday morning.

since the day was over, it was time to crack off some shots of the girls of the AFM!


since jenn was sans a bike due to injury at thunderhill, she got to sit on my scooter! yeaaaay! my scooter is REALLY famous now! :D

these are all a bunch of hardcore, bad ass women here! you gals ROCK!

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1 Comment

  1. Joe –

    Love the pics and the recap man – kudos for deviating from the typical and mixing it up to find new shots. Love the commentary!

    Quinton | AFM #809

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