AFM Goes to Thunderhill R4
So, I expected hellish June temperatures…but instead, all weekend, we were treated to March-like weather… what gives? Is the world going to implode next week? Is global warming a myth afterall? Is it really global cooling we have to be worried about? OMG, should I dig a bunker in my back yard?!?
//me runs and hides
Anyhow, I arrived with my trio of dastardly feinds mid morning on Saturday only to find that the dates on my calendar musta been wrong, cause the paddock seemed nearly empty compared to rounds in the past. It looked more like a trackday than a race weekend…but no matter, all the fun and excitement was still there. Code 4 brought back some of the Saturday night love. The fast guys were still fast. The racing was still awesome.
Here’s some pics…
ball in hand