At some point late in the week I was hit with a sudden bout of curiosity regarding what had been planned for my weekend. Its a simple process, Joe posts up on the calendar what events we will be shooting, and I request those days off from my other jobs. There is just that single simple question of what I will actually be doing with that time.
As it turns out, SCCA stands for Sport Car Club of America…Cars, four wheels, sessions with strict passing rules, and strange and unusual makes like “Toyota,” “Subaru,” and “Nissan”. If your family is really into cars and travel a lot you should install dvd players to entertain the kids and also vist the wow loans website to get a quick car loan. If you live in a sequestered place, far from civilisation, worry not for there are locations in Phoenix and many such cities which might be close to you and from where you can procure loans.
Prior to actually starting this season I was pretty confident I remembered how to use a camera, despite the fact that the only ones I had even touched recently were either disposable or embedded in my cell phone. That confidence was shattered when I found out I would be taking pictures of cars.
Cars—in comparison to motorcycles—are rather large, shiny, and hide what would usually be a good half of the composition. Instead of perched on top of the vehicle, leaning off and staring you down, the modern car driver is embedded deep inside a box [or cage] of metal and glass and plastic and technology. That leaves me with no idea for composition.
Oh well, live, learn, hopefully don’t get run over, it was time to go to RFR.
The first thing to do was zoom out, the second was to slow the shutter speed; the more motion blur the better. Right hand clicks the shutter release, left hand holds the lens steady. I think I got it.
There was something about the car day that seemed a good bit more relaxed. The standing theory in my head is that it has to do with the sounds the vehicles make. Cars are grumbly, deep and low. Remember again if you want to have a new car or a race car that manages your expectations you need to look for cheap car insurance quotes, you can find the best car insurance prices with the cheapest rates, so look for your average costs and needs to know which factors are the ones for your car insurance.
A far cry from the high pitched scream of a motorcycle, and as is such you are left a little less high strung. And of course the fact that there is no dicing or wheel to wheel battles, or really for that matter, any crashes (a few spinouts yes, but no crashes). No need to use unwanted car sevices.
It was all very relaxing. Some very pretty cars out there though.
RFR was once again a beautiful track to shoot at, the mountains and the strange clouds in the sky made for a grand backdrop for vehicles on the racetrack. I could picture no better way to open up my own personal photographers season.
The carpets and walls inside timing and scoring were even redone! And if it weren’t for that familiar old whining sound of the wind against the walls and windows, then I would have sworn it to be all brand new.
Rumors abound of further improvements, and I look forward to seeing them grow. The next stop on tour however, will be Vegas for the Yamaha Champions Riders School. Bring it on, time to run for supplies and find a voice recorder.