Epic Miller Adventure

So, several weeks ago, Yamaha contacted me asking if we could attend and shoot the Miller Motorsports Park Yamaha customer appreciation days.

Uhhh…yeah, of COURSE we can! Whoo hoooooo!!!

Now skip forward to Saturday, September 25th… Toe and Dove are with me, and we head out. I wanted to get an early start, so we weren’t rushed. It always seems like we’re rushed somehow, someway, somewhere… I wanted to make sure we had plenty of time on our ~671 mile journey to MMP. I’d charted our course to take hwy 50 all the way out to 36. And I’d plotted our return course to be on hwy 80…who likes to see the same long, boring drive twice in a row? This would give us some variety.

This would also lead to much commotion.

Over the course of the trip, we saw a TON of these…
rallement element gas tiltshift

Around 1am on Saturday night, I hit a Great Horned Owl. Poor bastard never had a chance. Sux, cause I like owls.
great horned owl wingspan dead

We also found a tree with tens of thousands of shoes in it.
shoe tree nevada hwy 50

Shortly after the shoe-tree, we stopped at some OHV area to get some rest. The next morning when we woke up, I took this shot of where we slept…Dove and myself each on our own picnic bench, Toe in the Element.
ohv sleeping picnic table

Rams are WAAAY better than lambs. This was after lunch.
ramming the ram

Wait… where are the rams again? :O
nhp pulled over ticket arrested

Aww, crap!
hand cuffs joe gets arrested

After backtracking about 30 miles… :/
sheriffs office ely nevada

“Save me, Dove!”
joe in jail

I was saved and we got back on the road
wearing full gear in the rallement

Turtle Dove?
dove falls off tractor

toe poses on the tractor

We finally got to Miller… we all rode on Monday…I got sick on Tuesday and was throwing up and stuff for the better part of the morning… no one rode Tuesday…
joe sick on the ground

Then I drove the boys home, ~10 hours straight from Miller…1423 miles round trip… The End. Meh.
driving home from miller motorsports park

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  1. dude, seriously?? LOL thats the best you could come up with?? LOL! Thats a citable offence and the fact the copper DIDN’T site you out on it is pretty funny/bad/waste of his time.

  2. Nice write up….love the “save me, dove” lol

  3. i still dont understand WHY you were arrested joe?? spill the beans!! surely the officer didnt take THAT much offense to you dry humping the nevada state animal (bighorned sheep BTW, not a ram)

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